Redefining the Art of Vocal Coaching with Chris Johnson

Explore the power of holistic voice training in a vibrant community of diverse but like-minded teachers.
Access here for £1 - use code DOTSEVOLVE at checkout

Want to take your skills to a new level?

Dive Deeper with the "Evolve" membership.


Do you feel there's something undiscovered that could help your students progress to their goals?

Maybe you sometimes feel boxed in by traditional vocal teaching methods or feel a little unsure in your own ideas?

Are you searching for a comprehensive approach that bridges the gap between old school technique and modern requirements?

Welcome to "Evolve" - the place for transformation 

When singing teachers adopt our holistic approach to voice training, it feels like this 👇

  As a valued vocal coach, it only takes £1 to get started on your first month, with no contract. This helps you to see if the membership is suitable for your needs without risk! 

For that, you get:

  • A Library of Practical Education: Dive into 50+ hours of on-demand teachings, harmoniously fusing holistic insights with solidly practical tools for master problem solving. 

  • Evidence-Backed Principles: Navigate the intricate maze of coaching decisions with tried-and-tested, science informed strategies, where practicality is always at the heart.

  • SPECIAL BONUSES: Get access to 5 bonus courses ranging from vocal nuances and improvisation to business acumen—and every new short course we add in the future, absolutely free! 

  • Tailored Group Sessions: Benefit from bi-weekly live group sessions to attend if you need help, moulded to fit your timezone. The tailored support goes further, including speciality training, teaching biz 'mastermind' sessions, and top guest educators every month. There's also a huge archive of recordings for you to binge on!

  • A Close-Knit Community: Being a singing teacher can be an amazing but isolating job. In Evolve, you can immerse yourself in our private community where connecting, sharing, and growth is the daily anthem.

All of these features have had an enormous impact on the teachers inside the program. You can hear some of the success stories below, where teaching skills and building all form part of the value this program gives.

Louise Cookman (UK)

It really is absolute gold, I’m so grateful; I’m feeling increasingly confident in my skills and understanding, and it’s alleviating the imposter syndrome brilliantly!
Added to which, your teaching style is great: accessible, encouraging and clear 👍

Eleanor Pugsley (UK)

You have this way of saying to your students "what are you goals?". I was terrified of that, because what if their goals are something I can't do??? If they couldn't mould to my way of teaching, the relationship would peter out.

Thanks to Evolve, I can do a lot of that now. And if I can't, I know I've got somewhere to ask.

Why Is "Evolve" A Place for Vocal Coaches Worldwide?

  •  Versatility in coaching: From RnB and Rock to the classicness of legit musical theatre, our training content is highly useful in many genres, with a special focus on the contemporary soundscape.
  • Experience independent: The depth of the training principles give high value to teachers of many experience levels. Whether you've been teaching 20 years or 2 years, we have what you need to boost your development in all areas. This results in seriously boosted confidence levels and a farewell to imposter syndrome, members report.
    *FYI - the training in Evolve may not be suitable for total newbies to teaching.

  • Dynamic Content: Concerned about niche subjects? Evolve continually grows from member feedback. Whether it's through intimate group calls, specialist workshops, or our ever-expanding library, we are able to pivot to serve your passions.


🌟 Dive into Our Exclusive Offer! 🌟

For the go-getters ready to redefine their coaching journey, enrol today and get your first month for only £1. If you like what you see, you'll can carry on at the regular rate.

If it's not for you, that's all good. Just cancel your membership before the next period and I'll wish you well.
*£97 per month after first month - fully expense-able to your business.

Dive deep with full access to every corner of Evolve, all with 'no contract' flexibility. That removes the risk so you can see how this transformative community works!


Ready for a skills upgrade? Join Evolve today!



Below are a few of our many success stories!

Access here for £1 - use code DOTSEVOLVE at checkout